About Us

Welcome to our site’s “about us” page. Don’t get confused or forget our site identity or name. As delhiwakfboard.org is a platform especially known for pixels that speak, convey emotion, and attract viewers’ attention at a glance. Also, keep in mind, our mission is to keep your social life, Independence, attitude, confidence & privacy, up to date commonly known as Display Picture(DP) or also known as Profile Picture(pp). The name changes when it varies to different social media platforms. Everything changes, from morning to night, sadness to love, black & white to colour, fake to real, winter to summer, or vice versa. As a result, I have a question, Have you changed your dp? as we provide a wide range of dp collections categorized that you will definitely love, specially designed for you to be best, unique dp for WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook, and many more. Humble request, don’t be so selfish to us please change your mood and don’t hesitate to share it with your friends, family and loved ones. As we continuously working hard for the development and improvement of our site to satisfy user needs. Lastly, I would like to thank all the lovely people(gov, model, cameraman, writer, editor, SEO expert team, office staff & my dear reader.) for your coordination, and support weather direct or indirect.